Wilkinsburg School District is a Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) district. We look forward to our fourth year of implementing our district-wide proactive behavior support system, Positive Behavior Intervention Supports. It is well known that schools are successful when they help children grow academically, socially and emotionally. For this to happen it is imperative that we have a safe environment that is supportive and conducive to growth.
By setting forth clear social and behavioral expectations, it is our goal as the Wilkinsburg School District to teach children REPLACEMENT BEHAVIORS, or what they need to do instead, so that all children can work in a school environment that is safe, fun, free from distraction, and allows children to reach their maximum learning potential.
The district has adopted three district-wide discipline expectations for both Kelly Primary and Turner Intermediate School that address the entire school, the classroom, and areas outside the classroom such as hallways, restrooms, cafeteria and offices. They are: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe. These behavioral expectations will be taught to all students in the building during the first week of school. On the next page is the matrix that defines behavioral expectations in real contexts that students experience during the school day.