The Wilkinsburg School District is committed to academic achievement for all students. School district policies set forth standards of behavior and responsibilities for our students and create an environment of respect and accountability, where students flourish and are fully aware of their responsibilities. Below is a list of all Wilkinsburg School District policies pertaining to students. Policies were developed with the assistance of the Pennsylvania School Board Association. To view a policy, please click on the link below:
Wilkinsburg School District Policy Manual
Title 1: Parent Involvement Policy
Title 1 recognizes the vital role that parents, guardians and community play in the education of their children. Decades of research have confirmed that students with involved parents are more likely to succeed in school. In accordance with the Elementary & Secondary Act (ESEA) legislation, the Wilkinsburg School District Federal Programs Title I office has developed a comprehensive parent/community involvement program, in collaboration with Allegheny Intermediate Unit#3.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education has recognized that parental involvement is the key to academic achievement and has developed a parent involvement policy.
Public Records Policy / Right-to-Know Request
For more information about Wilkinsburg School District policies, please visit the Pennsylvania School Board Association, or contact Cynthia Bogatay at [email protected].