Flexible Instructional Days
About Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs)
The Pennsylvania Department of Education has approved five (5) Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) for the Wilkinsburg School District. This program will allow students to receive instruction from home on days when the school is closed due to inclement weather or an emergency. This approval of five (5) FIDs per school calendar year is effective for three consecutive years.
If our District would need to close due to inclement weather, notification will occur via phone alert, our website, social media platforms, and news channels. The alerts will also notify your family if we are using a Flexible Instructional Day (FID). This means that we will not need to make up the day on designated days already slated on our school calendar. Our make-up days are scheduled and will remain in place but will not be utilized unless the district is closed beyond five (5) days.
Should a Flexible Instructional Day be utilized, students will receive an email from their teacher to log in to their Google Classroom. The class schedules are attached to this letter, and students should plan on attending classes based on these schedules, Monday – Friday.
Students will be marked present on a Flexible Instructional Day once they log into their Google Classroom and attend all scheduled classes for the day. If they do not log into their Google Classroom and attend their scheduled Google Meet, the student will be marked absent.
The After-School program and all other extra-curricular activities will be cancelled should the district need to close whether or not a Flexible Instructional Day is used.
Should you have additional questions, please call your building secretary.
Pre-K Flexible Instructional Day Packet
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade FID Schedule
3rd and 5th Grade FID Schedule
4th and 6th Grade FID Schedule