District Plans
Our 2021 Health and Safety Plan is available for your review. Our goal is to make certain that we have everything in place to keep our students, staff, and faculty safe while exceptional learning takes place.
This plan will be adjusted as needed to comply with any recommendations from the PA Department of Health or Education and the CDC.
Our Communications Handbook outlines how we communicate internally with staff and faculty and with our community, and families.
Comprehensive Educational Plan
The Board recognizes the importance of establishing comprehensive planning in developing and guiding the district’s goals, and the educational programs and operation of the schools. Participation by educational stakeholders is a critical element of such planning.
The Board shall provide guidance in the district’s comprehensive planning process, and shall ensure active participation by Board members, administrators, teachers, other district personnel, students, parents/guardians and representatives from local businesses and the community.
The Board directs that the goals and action plans developed through comprehensive planning shall be continuously monitored and reviewed to ensure students are achieving at high levels.
Professional Education
The district shall develop and submit a professional education plan to the Secretary of Education for approval every three (3) years, as required by law and regulations. Prior to approval by the Board and submission to the Secretary of Education, the professional education plan shall be made available for public inspection and comment in the district's administrative offices and the nearest public library for a minimum of twenty-eight (28) days.[1][2][3][4]
Special Education
The district shall develop and submit a special education plan to the Department of Education for approval every three (3) years, and shall implement such plan as required by law and regulations. Prior to approval by the Board and submission to the Department of Education, the special education plan shall be made available for public inspection and comment in the district’s administrative offices and the nearest public library for a minimum of twenty-eight (28) days.[2][5][6]
Gifted Education
The district shall develop and implement a gifted education plan every six (6) years, as required by law and regulations. Prior to approval by the Board, the gifted education plan shall be made available for public inspection and comment in the district’s administrative offices and the nearest public library for a minimum of twenty-eight (28) days.[2][7][8]
Pre-kindergarten Education
When offering or contracting with a community agency to offer a prekindergarten program, the district shall develop an implementation plan that meets the requirements of law and regulations. The plan shall be submitted to the Department of Education in the initial year and every three (3) years, or when the plan is amended, whichever is sooner. Prior to approval by the Board and submission to the Department of Education, the district shall make the prekindergarten implementation plan available for public inspection and comment in the district’s administrative offices and the nearest public library for a minimum of twenty-eight (28) days.[9][3]
Delegation of Responsibility
The Superintendent shall be responsible for organizing the comprehensive planning process, ensuring participation in accordance with Board policy and for submitting the required plans to the Department of Education.
The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for implementing the goals and action plans developed through comprehensive planning and providing written quarterly progress reports to the Board.