Turner Intermediate Introduces Tiger Trainers, Student PBIS Team

Wilkinsburg School District is a Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) district, emphasizing the importance of setting and maintaining behavioral expectations to create a positive learning environment. At Turner Intermediate, these expectations are known as "Tiger ROARS." ROARS stands for Respect, Ownership, Attitude, Responsibility, and Safety. 

The Tiger ROARS expectations are introduced to all students during the first week of school. When students follow these expectations, they earn points that can be redeemed for various incentives. Examples of PBIS incentives include field trips, special events, or rewards tailored to student interests.

To ensure that incentives remain engaging and to encourage peer accountability for upholding Tiger ROARS, Turner Intermediate has established a student PBIS team known as the Tiger Trainers. 

The Tiger Trainers consist of 13 students who exemplify the Tiger ROARS values. To be considered for the team, students had to apply and be recommended by a teacher. In January, these students received specialized training from AIU representatives, Dr. Crystal Vogtsberger and Katie McBroom-Stenger, who outlined the responsibilities of the Tiger Trainers and the significance of teamwork. 

During the training, students picked roles and brainstormed strategies to help their peers understand and uphold Tiger ROARs. They began by identifying areas where behavioral issues are most common, such as the cafeteria, hallways, classrooms, bathrooms, and buses. From there, they developed creative solutions to promote positive behavior, including designing posters and signs, composing educational songs, and creating interactive games like bingo. 

The Tiger Trainers are guided by Principal Kerry McClellan, Assistant Principal Megan Flaherty, and Special Education Teacher Allison Moniot. 

The Tiger Trainers will continue their efforts throughout the school year, working collaboratively to reinforce Tiger ROARS and contribute to a positive school culture at Turner Intermediate. 

Congratulations to this year's Tiger Trainers:

  • Mackenzie Oliver
  • Raionna Davis
  • Sharold Ocampo
  • Matt Logan
  • Charles Evans-Jones
  • Noah Cooper
  • Amarah Howell
  • Jamia Copeland
  • Alani Rhodes
  • Raquell Poindexter
  • Wesley Gaines
  • Elijah Martin
  • Samiyah Sneed